Your yard can serve various purposes, such as being your hobby area for gardening, growing your favorite fruits and vegetables, or simply being a place to relax. It is essential to create a space in your yard that you enjoy. By planting trees, you can contribute not only to a healthier planet but also to a healthier you. According to IBISWorld, the Gardening and Nursery business market in the U.S. is worth approximately $42 billion. Evidently, there are many experts and you can visit their selection of plants and trees at their greenhouses. In this article, we will discuss four main benefits of planting trees in your yard.
One of the most important purposes of growing trees is to help generate more oxygen. By planting one in your garden, you're contributing to your physical health by helping provide cleaner air and a better planet. Landscape nurseries will have the best selection of trees that will work for your location.
Trees help the planet stay cool. In the warmer months, trees provide excellent shade in your yard. When sitting out on your patio, playing with kids, or gardening, having a place to sit in the shade is very important.
According to the American Psychological Association, being able to see trees daily is beneficial for your mental health. By planting some trees in your backyard, you're ensuring you have access to seeing beautiful trees in bloom on a daily basis. This will provide your mental health with a nice consistent boost.
Some trees grow delicious fruit and vegetables in seasonal months. If you're based in Florida, it's an excellent location for certain produce such as lemons, limes, grapefruit, fig, avocado, papaya, and mango. Adding some mulch to the base of your new tree is a great way to keep it hydrated. Picking fresh grapefruit for your breakfast is a delightful way to start any morning!
As you can see, there are many reasons to plant a tree in your backyard. You can have a customizable space, control the temperature, and eat your favorite produce all year. To learn more, contact our experts at Blooming House Nursery today, where we can get you started on finding out what trees will work for your yard space and your climate. We're a full-service plant and tree nursery serving all of North Central Florida with our quality
greenhouses and our goal is to make sure our customers are always 100% satisfied!
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